Meet your personal matchmakers
Salaam. We’re Hiba and Zaid. Neither of us thought we would be professional matchmakers one day, but here we are. We found each other on opposite ends of the world.
Alhumdulilah, we were fortunate to have pursued diverse fields in our undergraduate and graduate studies that would help us serve you best. With backgrounds in Shariah and Psychology, we hope to match you in the most professional and Halal manner, insha’Allah.
zaid’s story
I began my search in my mid-twenties. I was living in Chicago at the time and I noticed many of my friends getting married. Some, in fact, were having children. So, I sensed this pressure to start looking. I wasn’t earning much at the time and was still unsure of my future career plans. But, I was anxious to start looking. I jumped on Facebook groups, tried matrimonial websites and apps. I even tried Rishta aunties. I wanted someone that would share my values and beliefs. I was taking an unconventional path in school and wanted someone who would be supportive and understanding. For years, I got rejections, unresponsive messages, and proposals that simply seemed to go nowhere.
I exhausted every option I could think of.
I was on a matrimonial website at the time. After searching tirelessly for so long, I told myself if I don’t find someone by the end of this month I’m done! And that’s when I suddenly got a message from Hiba in Jordan.
She shared my love for art and religion. But, I was still skeptical. I pushed myself to give her a chance. It felt strange that I was connecting so well with someone so far away. Yet, I had so many questions: How would she adjust to a different life here? Would her parents accept someone from a different culture? I had many fears and doubts, but with each conversation I could see Allah was making the process easier for me. She introduced me to her parents who were very welcoming and loving. We met in Chicago, had our Nikah with family and friends, and the rest was history.
Hiba’s story
I was born and raised in Palestine. Growing up I was told that education is the most important thing for a woman and that, unlike a husband, a university degree will always be there for you as a safety net. And boy did I believe it.
I spent much of my adult life in school. I pursued degree after degree, only to find myself hitting thirty with no life companion.
At that point, the idea of marriage started to nag me. The problem is I didn’t know what to do and where to look. The norm in my culture is that as a girl you wait for someone to notice you and propose. But that didn’t happen to me.
Up to that day, I hadn’t even known there was such a thing as matrimonial websites. I became aware of it by Allah’s Qadar while browsing the web one day. I created an account, and soon after, I met Zaid. We shared our love for religion, art, and minimalism. With each conversation, I could see Allah was opening a door for me.
Now, reflecting on the past, I don’t regret spending all those years in school. What I do regret is not prioritizing marriage while doing so. Now I know it doesn’t have to be one or the other.
I found in marriage the security and stability none of my three degrees ever made me feel.
the struggle is real
We were very fortunate to find each other. But for many Muslims, it’s not easy. We understand the culture, the expectations, and the general hardship for Muslims in the West trying to get married.
Our careful selection process brings together only serious and mature Muslims. This means no more blind dates. No more people hiding their profile pictures. No more friends or relatives making profiles on behalf of their loved ones.
You apply. We match. You meet. And we support you along the way. Get started on your journey to finding love today by clicking the button below.